
This semester has been a bit more complicated than the previous one, but i think that i have caught the rhythm. Histology its probably not my favorite, and its not even my subjet with the best grades, but during the classes i enjoy the explanation of the teachers, because its very clear and precise, honestly i understand better when they explain me more accurately and not when they give me stranger examples about their lifes. So when i go to my house and i study, i can remember what they said to me in the class, because there were no interruptions in there and it was also as short as possible. That helps me a lot because my concentration is very light and i lose it if the class is very extensive.
But everything is not just because the subjet is easy to understand, actually i really like the practice classes, i discovered that i really like take a look into the microscope and see things that we cant see without it.
But in general i really enjoy every practice class of Anatomy too, i prefer to see things and touch them, than go to a theoretical class :)


  1. I think we are several who love histology 1313

  2. I also prefer a practical class, but I really think Anatomy isn't your favorite because of the smell of formalin jaja


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